Separating Presentation layer from Android (refactoring)
Slideshow (segmented progress bar)
Checkers and dynamic colors (refactoring)
Moving checkers men (functional programming)
Drawing a checkers board (data binding and StateFlow)
How many threads run coroutines?
Refactoring the code to functional style
State inside ViewModel
Refactoring Channel to Flow
Lifecycle (synopsis)
Repository pattern and testing
MV* (disambiguation attempt)
Testing ViewModel with Mockito
Setting dependencies in the constructor
Retrofit asynchronously
Preventing canceling a coroutine
Wrapping Channel in LiveData (refactoring)
Extending LiveData (implementing a compass)
Eager initialization for Kodein
Syncing two ListenableWorkers (decorator pattern)
Repository and DSL (refactoring)
Refreshing your data (repository pattern)
Permissions handling (refactoring)
Coroutine inside a ViewModel
MVVM and coroutines
Repository (design pattern) and lifecycle
Backing TextInputEditText with LiveData (DSL)
MVP (design pattern)
MVVM (design pattern)
Strategy (design pattern)
AsyncTask inside a ViewModel (advanced answer)
AsyncTask (a job interview question)
ViewModel and CompositeDisposable
RxJava, lifecycle and DSL
Timers, RxJava and ViewModel
Combining RxJava and LiveData (advanced)
Rx Observables to LiveData
Lazy initialization of ViewModel (simple topic)
Dismissing form data
TextInputEditText and ViewModel
Selecting location (advanced topic)
WorkManager and push notifications
Displaying Google Maps
Permissions, RxJava and lifecycle
Architecture components and searching
Testing with dependency retrieval
Lifecycle-aware Rx subscriptions
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