This article shows how how to watch changes in your repository using a DLS.

Alternatively, you could listen to the updates in real time, but this technique is not going to be discussed in this article.

Previous articles

Repository pattern was introduced in one of the previous articles in this blog.

Then, in the next article, I explained how to use a CoroutineWorker to refresh its data periodically.

The two previous articles already explained how to use both coroutines and LiveData to watch the changes.

The present article explains how to use a simple higher order function, so that you can make your ViewModel observe the changes in your repository, using just this simple init block:

init { (comms vm this) { comm = comms[] } }

The project

The project I am using in this article as an example is Victor-Events, but because it is still work in progress, and it is already rather large now, you will probably want to just focus on the code presented in the article instead of cloning the whole project.

The problem

Write a ViewModel that performs the following actions each time the data is updated in the repository:

  1. Pulls out one particular item from the repository.
  2. Wraps the relevant data concerting that item (two Strings and a Boolean) in a few instances of LiveData.

The ViewModel

This is the ViewModel that solves the problem. Each time data is updated in the repository it pulls out of it one item and uses it to update values of three instances of LiveData:

class CommViewModel : ViewModel() {

    init { (comms vm this) { comm = comms[] } }

    var comm = Comm.DUMMY
    set(value) {
        field = value
    val name by lazy { MutableLiveData<String>() }
    val desc by lazy { MutableLiveData<String>() }
    val isAdmin by lazy { MutableLiveData<Boolean>() }

    fun reset() {
        name.value =
        desc.value = comm.desc
        isAdmin.value = comm.isAdmin

I hope I don’t have to explain how LiveData works. I will just focus on what I did to launch the observation.

This is the function that captures the ViewModel into a lambda:

infix fun vm(vm: ViewModel) = { block: () -> Unit ->
    vm.viewModelScope.launch { this@LiveRepository(block) }

The above infix function returns a lambda that is launched inside the ViewModel with another lambda:

{ comm = comms[] }

This is, in turn, used by the invoke() operator inside the LiveRepository:

suspend operator fun invoke(block: () -> Unit) {
    with (channel.openSubscription()) {
        if (!isEmpty) receive()
        while(true) {

What the above code does it firsts opens a subscription on the BroadcastChannel. It checks whether the channel already contains data, and removes it if it does. (It doesn’t remove the value from the parrent BroadcastChannel). Then, as long as the CoroutineScope hasn’t been canceled it waits for subsequent values and calls invokes the block.


The present refactoring allowed me to shorten the original line:

init { viewModelScope.launch { comms { comm = comms[] } } }

to this:

init { (comms vm this) { comm = comms[] } }

I didn’t even have to create a data class that could, otherwise, hold references to both the LiveRepository and the ViewModel (or its CoroutineScope). All that I did was I created a function that returns a lambda.

The code snippets presented above are probably not enough for the reader to understand the entire mechanism I used there. The reader is welcome to read about the LiveRepository pattern in the two articles referred to in the introduction, or clone the entire project.

The reader might also use their browser to view the changes discussed in the present particle in their corresponding commit.

Fixing a memory leak

Don’t forget to close the Channels! The above code snippets contain a simplified code that may lead to Channel leaks. This may happen because I open a new Channel for every ViewModel that wants to take advantage of the repository. Notice the code of ConflatedBroadcastChannel I use:

public override fun openSubscription(): ReceiveChannel<E> {
    val subscriber = Subscriber(this)
    _state.loop { state ->
        when (state) {
            is Closed -> {
                return subscriber
            is State<*> -> {
                if (state.value !== UNDEFINED)
                    subscriber.offerInternal(state.value as E)
                val update = State(state.value, addSubscriber((state as State<E>).subscribers, subscriber))
                if (_state.compareAndSet(state, update))
                    return subscriber
            else -> error("Invalid state $state")

Implementation of the function openSubscription() creates a Subscriber and stores a reference to it by calling addSubscriber(). The reference is only removed when the Subscriber cancels.

This is the corrected version of my code, which cancels the Channel when the relevant CoroutineScope is canceled, which happens always when the correspoding ViewModel is cleared:

suspend operator fun invoke(block: () -> Unit) {
    with (channel.openSubscription()) {
        if (!isEmpty) receive()
        try {
            while (true) {
        } finally { cancel() }

When the ViewModel is cleared, and its corresponding CoroutineScope is canceled, the above function receive() will throw a CancellationException. It will prevent further execution of any code in the try block, so that the Channel created during the the invocation of openSubscription() may be only canceled in the finally block.

The reader might want to refer to the commit corresponding to the above fix.