This article explains how to implement Mockito tests with coroutines.

The problem

Add Mockito tests to the project using depencency injection (refactoring documented in the previous article).


I learned how to set up the testing rules so that the code can rely on the main thread from an answer on StackOverflow. I learned how to use the @Rule annotation in Kotlin from another answer.

Preparing the project

According to the doco, this is how one configures the tests so that they can use Dispatchers.Main:

private val mainThreadSurrogate = newSingleThreadContext("UI thread")

fun setUp() {

fun tearDown() {
    Dispatchers.resetMain() // reset main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher

The classes and particular functions that are going to be mocked also need the open keyword:

open class LocationChannelFactory(ctx: Context)


open fun getLocationChannel(): ReceiveChannel<LatLng>

Without open next to the class name the test simply wouldn’t compile. Without open at the function name it would compile, but it would call the actual function, instead of mocking its result, when I write:



Doco recommends using runBlockingTest(), which modifies the CoroutineDispatcher, so that whenever delay() is called, it doesn’t wait, but proceeds immediately to the next line. I can’t use that, because in the code I use some computationally-intensive calculations, such as measuring the distance between two points. I do need delay() to wait several milliseconds, so I can’t do that. I decided to use runBlocking() instead:

fun distanceTest() = runBlocking {

    var distance = 0.0
    var lastDistance = distance

I start by setting the initial value of distance to 0.0. I then define a local function that will check whether the distance has increased since the last check:

suspend fun progress() {
    assertTrue(distance > lastDistance)
    lastDistance = distance

Subsequently I create mock instances of LocationChannelFactory and RotationChannelFactory. For brevity, only LocationChannelFactory is discussed herein:

val mockLocationChannelFactory: LocationChannelFactory = mock(
val mockRotationChannelFactory: RotationChannelFactory = mock(

val locationChannel = Channel<LatLng>(Channel.CONFLATED)
val rotationChannel = Channel<Float>(Channel.CONFLATED)


Subsequently there is a definition of the Job that will send fake locations to the Channel:

launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
    var lat = HOME.latitude
    while (true) {
        lat += LATITUDE_STEP
        locationChannel.send(LatLng(lat, HOME.longitude))

Next, I create the actual ViewModel and start observing the LiveData:

val liveDataJob = Job()

val vm = CompassViewModel(
        EmptyCoroutineContext + liveDataJob)
vm.setDestination(DestinationModel(HOME, ""))

val destination = vm.direction

val distanceObserver = Observer<DirectionModel> {
   distance = it.distance

In the above code, I need to crate a Job that will be later canceled in order to throw CancellationException inside the LiveData. I need this in order to test whether the Channel is closed. Alternatively, I could test that by just removing the Observer from the LiveData, and waiting a couple of seconds for the timeout to kick in. To save time, I decided to instead manually cancel the CoroutineContext used in this LiveData. This is the code that creates the LiveData that wraps the Channel returned by LocationChannelFactory:

fun <T> channelLiveData(
        context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
        block: () -> ReceiveChannel<T>): Lazy<LiveData<T>> = lazy {
    liveData(context) {
        val channel = block()
        try {
            while (true) {
        finally {

The way LiveData is created inside the CompassViewModel assures that the Channel it uses will be closed when the CoroutineContext is canceled.

Next, there is the code that waits for the CompassViewModel to stabilize (start emitting values) and calls progress() two times. This is the local function that waits a bit, and then asserts that the distance calculated by the CompassViewModel has increased during that time.

Finally, there is the code that asserts the Channel hasn’t been closed yet, cancels the Job associated with the LiveData, waits again for the CompassViewModel to stabilize, and asserts that the Channel which that LiveData was using is closed now.


The present article has demonstated the use of the following:

  • Mockito.
  • Depencency injection in constructor.
  • Testing coroutines using runBlocking().
  • Checking at the end of the test that Channel has been closed.

In order to achieve this, I had to replace dependency retrieval, whith I had been using extensively in this blog before that time, with dependency injection. I described the process in the previous article.

Choosing dependency injection or dependecny retrieval is a matter of personal preference of the developer, as both can be successfully used for testin. I discussed testing with dependency injection in an early article in this blog.


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