Permissions handling (refactoring)
This article shows how I refactored the code that is handling permissions in my project.
Previous articles
Handling permissions was already described on 26th of December, 2018, in a separate article in this blog. The present article is a refactoring of than solution.
This solution is used in mapholder pattern, also descibed in a separate article.
The project
The project I am discussing in the present article is Victor-Events, but because it is still work in progress, and it is already rather large now, you will probably want to just focus on the code presented in the present article instead of cloning the whole project.
The problem
The purpose of the refactoring is to remove dependency on RxJava from the project. I think it is not fair to add dependenry on RxJava to the project, only for the sake of handling permissions.
The request
This is the code of the permissions request. It contains String
representation of the requested permission, an action called when the permission is granted, and an action called when the permission is denied. By default, both actions are empty:
class PermissionRequest(
val permission: String,
val onGranted: () -> Unit = {},
val onDenied: () -> Unit = {})
Screen rotation will deliberately cancel the request, therefore preventing an invocation of either action.
Because the actions may contain references to the actual Fragment
, they should be canteled as soon as the Fragment
is destroyed.
You may want to implement requesting the permission again, if such need is indicated by the state retained inside the ViewModel
In this particular project permission is requested when the ViewModel
holds information about event’s location. If such location has been entered, then the Fragment
in the first step displays the location on the map, then requests location permission, and if granted - displays current location of the device on the screen as well.
Therefore, even though each particular request is canceled each time the screen is rotated, the same permission is immediately requested again, thanks to state held in the ViewModel
The result
This is the result of the request discussed in the above section:
data class PermissionResult(val requestCode: Int, val permission: String)
For historical reasons, the class
uses two Chanenl
s, one for granted, the other for denied permissions. The original solution contained two separate RxJava’s Subject
s, so I decided to refactor the original code as little as possible. Alternatively, I could use two separate sealed
classes for represending the result, and send their instances over one Channel
, but I decided not to change the original design without a good reason.
Watching the result channels
This is the code watching results of every callback, and depending on the Channel
over which the result is reported, calls the appropriate action, ether onGranted()
or onDenied()
class ViewModel : androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel() {
val granted by lazy { BroadcastChannel<PermissionResult>(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) }
val denied by lazy { BroadcastChannel<PermissionResult>(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) }
private fun Int, request: PermissionRequest) = launch (Dispatchers.IO) {
suspend fun PermissionResult.ifMatching(block: () -> Unit) {
if (requestCode == code && permission == request.permission) {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
val grantedSubscription = granted.openSubscription()
val deniedSubscription = denied.openSubscription()
while (true) {
select<Unit> {
grantedSubscription.onReceive {
it.ifMatching { request.onGranted() }
deniedSubscription.onReceive {
it.ifMatching { request.onDenied() }
fun watch(code: Int, requests: Array<PermissionRequest>) = viewModelScope.launch {
for (req in requests) {
watch(code, req)
companion object {
private const val DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10
I decided to use a ViewModel
, because it gives me a viewModelScope
for free. The public
function watch()
returns a Job
, which is not only already contained within the viewModelScope
, but also can be canceled by external code.
The function launches as many child Job
s as many requests there are. Each such child Job
, thanks to select()
, watches simultaneously the granted
and the denied
Please note that because BoradcastChannel
s are experimental, I add the following annotation at the beginning of the file:
Processing the results
This is the code creating instances of PermissionResul
, and sending them to appropriate Channel
fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
fragment: Fragment,
requestCode: Int,
permissions: Array<String>,
grantResults: IntArray) {
val vm = fragment.getViewModel<ViewModel>()
val granted = vm.granted
val denied = vm.denied
infix fun String.onGranted(requestCode: Int) =
granted.sendBlocking(PermissionResult(requestCode, this))
infix fun String.onDenied(requestCode: Int) =
denied.sendBlocking(PermissionResult(requestCode, this))
if (grantResults.isEmpty()) {
permissions.forEach { it onDenied requestCode }
} else repeat(permissions.size) { id ->
if (grantResults[id] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
permissions[id] onGranted requestCode
} else {
permissions[id] onDenied requestCode
In the Fragment
This is the function inside the Fragment
that checks whether location permission has already been granted. If so, it calls onGranted()
, if it is not - requests the permission and schedules onGranted()
to be called only when the permission is granted.
private fun checkLocationPermission(onGranted: () -> Unit) {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(
Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
else {
onGranted = onGranted)))
This is the code handling the responses inside the Fragment
override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
requestCode: Int,
requests: Array<String>,
grantResults: IntArray) =
permissions.onRequestPermissionsResult(this, requestCode, requests, grantResults)
These are the extension functions the Fragment
calls to request the permission and watch the results:
fun Fragment.request(requestCode: Int, requests: Array<Permissions.PermissionRequest>) {
watch(requestCode, requests)
requestPermissions( { it.permission }.toTypedArray(), requestCode)
private fun Int, requests: Array<Permissions.PermissionRequest>) {
val vm = getViewModel<Permissions.ViewModel>()
untilDestroy {, requests) }
private fun Fragment.untilDestroy(work: () -> Job) = work().apply {
lifecycle.addObserver(object : LifecycleEventObserver {
override fun onStateChanged(source: LifecycleOwner, event: Lifecycle.Event) {
if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY) {
Notice the function Fragment.untilDestroy()
that creates an insnance of Job
, and then creates a LifeCycleObserver
to cancel the Job
on screen rotation. The Job
is already being managed by the viewModelScope
of Permissions.ViewModel
Coroutines are a viable alternative to RxJava.
The above solution uses a code that is deliberately similar to the one presented previously.
There isn’t much benefit in refactoring RxJava to coroutines in this simple case. I mostly did it to question whether it makes sense to add RxJava to a project only to perform one simple task, which is permission requesting, which happened to be the only case in my project where RxJava was still being used.
If RxJava is already being used in your project for other things, and you don’t have to add this dependency only for the sake of permissions, then probably both the present solution and the previous one are equally fine.