This is an article on how to launch a coroutine so that it is aware of the parent’s lifecycle.

The parent of this particular coroutine will be a ViewModel - as opposed to an Activity or Fragment. The advantage is such that the coroutine will survive screen orientation, although it will we canceled when the ViewModel is cleared.

Difficulty level of this article

In this article I am discussing a piece of code that is meant to go into production.

I tie together several design patterns I described in a number of my recent articles. Some of the other propositions I made then might even be obsolete by now, which I shall point out when I address them here.

The article summarizes my current understanding of Kotlin, and its main advantage over Java - coroutines. I believe that coroutines break Kotlin’s inoperability with Java, and once you start applying them, you might not want to, or not be able to return to Java.

At the time of writing this I am actively looking for a job, and I see in many advertisements requirements that require being able to use Java as the primary language, or require knowledge of libraries that bridge Java and Kotlin - RxJava and Dagger.

If you want, you may implement in Java a factory that supports lazy initialization, you may manually check whether everything is null to ascertain null safety, or you can manually implement the equals() function in every class that holds your data, so that you don’t have to use Kotlin’s data classes.

At one point, though, one wonders whether it makes sense to implement manually the things that are available in another language for free - or use bridging dependencies, such as Dagger, RxJava or Guava.

By the means of this article I am trying to promote the view that Kotlin is alright on its own, it’s mature enough, and can contribute enough value to your project. Please consider requiring from your candidates to be able to use Kotlin as the primary language of a project, or add competency in coroutines to your core requirements.

The problem

This article tries to answer how to run a concurrent task so that it survives screen rotation.

When the screen is rotated, the Fragment shall check whether there is a task running, and display a progress bar if it is. If a result has already been found, the Fragment shall not launch the task again, but display the result immediately.

Previous relevant articles

In the current article I am presenting a refactoring of a searching solution already described previously in this blog. The previous solution had a bug - when the screen was rotated, results of the search were lost, and the user had to run the search again. Thanks to running a coroutine in the container of a ViewModel this is no longer the case.

I described an extremely similar solution in an article about running an AsyncTask inside a ViewModel. The other article was using a demo project, though, because I did not intend to use an AsyncTask in production. This time you have a chance to see a more mature solution based on coroutines, combined with other useful techniques that you might use in a commercial project.

Source materials

I learned how to use coroutines from a talk given at last year’s conference Android Dev Summit. It took me a couple of weeks to thoroughly study that particular YouTube video. This and some of my other recent articles in this blog have been inspired by this talk.

The project

The project I am discussing in the present article is Victor-Events, but because it is still work in progress, and it is already rather large now, you will probably want to just focus on the code presented in the present article instead of cloning the whole project.

I recommend using Android Studio 3.5 Canary 12, because it comes with preinstalled Kotlin 1.3.30.

If you want to open the project in Android Studio 3.4, which is currently the latest stable version, you need to replace this line in your project-level build.gradle:

classpath ''


classpath ''

The suspend function

This is the suspend function that reads data from Firebase Cloud Firestore:

private suspend fun DocumentSnapshot = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
    get().addOnCompleteListener { result ->
        if (result.isSuccessful) {
        else {

get() is a function that returns The above code then adds a listener on it that resumes the coroutine when there is a result. It is crucial that it you put it inside of the block passed to suspendCancellableCoroutine() function, as opposed to suspendCoroutine(). If you use the latter, it will still return the correct result, but you won’t be able to cantel the coroutine, so it may return a result of a search that is no longer relevant, and try to display that result on the screen.

This is, subsequently, a suspend function that tries to find a community, given its name:

suspend fun findCommunity(name: String) = coroutineScope {
    val lcName = name.toLowerCase()
    val deferredComm = async {
    val isAdmin = async {
        if (isLoggedIn) isAdmin(lcName) else false
    val comm = deferredComm.await()

    if (comm.isDummy) comm else comm.copy(isAdmin = isAdmin.await())

The above code calls two suspend functions: read(), which has already been discussed, and isAdmin(), which uses the same function read() internally. Because both of them should run concurrently, they are called inside of their respective async operation.

Notice the coroutineScope invocation at the top of the function body. It allows the code to inherit the CoroutineScope the whole function is run in.

Thanks to that, and because I used suspendCancellableCoroutine when I defined the read() function, every corouitine inside of findCommunity() will be canceled when the CoroutineScope itself is canteled.

The following section will show how to run a suspend function in a CoroutineContext of its container ViewModel. Thank to that every coroutine will be canceled when the ViewModel itself is cleared.

The ViewModel

These are the relevant lines of the ViewModel that is calling this coroutine:

class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val queryState by lazy { MutableLiveData<QueryState>().apply { value = QueryState.None }}
    private var queryJob: Job? = null

    var pastDestination = 0

    fun query(name: String) {
        queryState.value = QueryState.WorkInProgress
        queryJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            fsReader.findCommunity(name).let {

    fun resetQuery() {
        queryState.value = QueryState.None

    sealed class QueryState {
        object None : QueryState()
        data class Completed(val comm: Comm) : QueryState()
        object InProgress : QueryState()

In has a function to start the coroutine and to cancel it. It has an Int property to remember the id of the View that is currently displayed. It defines a sealed class for representing the state.

By default the state is None, to inform the Fragment that no work has been yet done, and that there is no result. It also can be WorkInProgress, or contain a representation of the found community.

The Activity

The following code is the function which initiates the search whenever it receives an ACTION_SEARCH Intent. The exact searching mechanism has been described in a separate article in this blog.

override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH == intent.action) {

Because query() uses viewModelScope internally, all associated coroutines will be canceled only when the ViewModel is cleared. It will survive screen orientation changes, when the Activity that initiated the search is itself destroyed.

This is the listener resposible for canceling the search when the appropriate Fragment disappears from the screen:

navController.addOnDestinationChangedListener { _, destination, _ ->
    when (mainModel.pastDestination) { -> mainModel.resetQuery()
    mainModel.pastDestination =

I couldn’t just cancel the search on pressing [Back] or [Home]. When the found community is joined (or when it is not found, but a new one is created), the Fragment is automatically removed from the screen, and then also the state of the query needs to be set to the default None.

(Handling [Back] and [Home] keys, which is used in the same project for dismissing data manually entered in forms, is described in a dedicated article in this blog).


I did a little refactoring of the project to support + operator both for LiveData and MutableLiveData. These is the relevant function:

operator fun <T> LiveData<T>.plus(owner: LifecycleOwner) =
        if (this is MutableLiveData<T>) MutableHotData(this, owner)
        else DefaultHotData(this, owner)

I have to support both the mutable and immutable variant because I use MutableLiveData to support filling in data in TextInputEditText, as described in a separate article in this blog.

These are the classes and interfaces that get created when you write liveData + this:

interface HotData<T> {
    val liveData: LiveData<T>
    val owner: LifecycleOwner

    operator fun invoke(observer: (T) -> Unit) = liveData(owner, observer)

data class DefaultHotData<T>(override val liveData: LiveData<T>, override val owner: LifecycleOwner): HotData<T>

data class MutableHotData<T>(override val liveData: MutableLiveData<T>, override val owner: LifecycleOwner): HotData<T>

In the case of just observing the data it doesn’t matter which instance is created, as the interface’s default implementation of invoke() operator is going to be used either way, but if you need to seamlessly set values of your MutableLiveData after you’ve combined it with LifeCycleOwner, you probably do need to use a special case od the data class, here: MutableHotData.

Again, combinig MutableLifeData with LifecycleOwner using the + operator, and then using it to back data entered in form, is described in a separate article.

Using invoke() operator to observe the LiveData is going to be described in the following section.

The Fragment

This is the observer that observes the progress of the coroutine and its result:

(eventsModel.queryState + this) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is MainViewModel.QueryState.InProgress -> {
            recycler.visibility = View.GONE
            prompt.visibility = View.GONE
            progress.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        is MainViewModel.QueryState.Completed -> searchResult(result.comm)

The above code invokes eventsModel.querystate + this to create an instance of HotData and then calls invoke() operator on it to start observing the values. It would have worked the same way whether eventsModel.queryState was mutable or not.

The class MainViewModel.QueryState doesn’t have to sealed. Because when in the above invocation doesn’t return a value, it doesn’t need to be exhaustive. Still, I decided to use the sealed keyword in the definition of the class, because the code might be more easy to maintain when it is already designed the possibility to used it exhautive expressions.

In the case when the result is QueryState.InProgress, the when statement just brings the progress bar to the front by appropriately modifying the visibility property of this and other views. When it is QueryState.Completed, it just calls a function that displays the found community, or prompts the user to create it if it hasn’t been found.

The design of the searchResult() function is arbitrary, though. It checks whether the community has been found or not. If it has, displays it on the screen and allows joining it, if it has not been found in the database, prompts the user to create it. If is not aware of MainViewModel.QueryState, and I designed it before I even had coroutines in mind. I designed that function before I knew about coroutines, and haven’t refactored it much since. I was alredy using a version of it at the time when I was writing the article about implementing Search functionality.


In the present article I`ve summarised over a month worth of research into the MVVM design pattern.

This and several other recent articles in this blog have been inspired by the talk given at Android Dev Summit 2018.

In this article you have had a chance to learn how to run a coroutine inside of a ViewModel so that it survives screen orientation change, but is canceled when another Fragment is brought to the screen.

You have also seen how to use some DSL to observe LiveData. Not that I particularly like DSL, though. DSL is nothing more than a glorified aggregation of lambdas. I like creating my own ones from time to time, still, just to see whether I am able to match the level of DSL design presented at professional confernces I watch on YouTube.

The dominant theme of this article has been how to refactor the code that was already presented in some of the other articles here to compel your code to become less error-prone and more concise. By employing these techniques you may or may not reduce the cost of Android softwar development in your company.

The point of the present article shall be to aid the reader do gauge whether Kotlin is a mature language that can be used on its own to promote concurrent programming, lifecycle handling, data retention and many more.