This article explains how to write write an extension function that wraps a Channel in a LiveData and deals with closing it.

Source material

This article relies heavily on the function liveData, which I learned about by watching the Google I/O 2019 YouTube video. The speaker (Yigit Boyar) starts explaining this functionality at 15:48.

The problem

In the previous article I explained how one can write their own extension class of LiveData that handles the CoroutineScope, transforms the data it receives and closes the source Channel when it is no longer observed.

This time I will demonstrate how to write only one function that wraps any Channel in LiveData, and closes it (after a timeout) when the LiveData is no longer observed.

Thanks to doing that there is less code that deals with sensitive asynchronous operations, and therefore fewer opportunities to forget to close a Channel, and less code to maintain.

The project

The project used in this article is Compass. It is available on Google Play.

You can see this particular refactoring discussed in the present article in a commit.

In this solution I use the following dependency:

implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.2.0-alpha01'

Creating the LiveData

This is the function that creates the LiveData:

fun <T> channelLiveData(block: () -> ReceiveChannel<T>): Lazy<LiveData<T>> = lazy {
    liveData {
        val channel = block()
        try {
            while (true) {
        finally {

Each time the LiveData becomes active (the number of active observers change to 1 from 0), the lambda passed to liveData() is invoked again, so a new instance of the Channel is created.

It is important to note that liveData() uses Dispatchers.Main by default, so that the channel is created on main thread. This is important, because the function requestLocationUpdates() on FusedLocationProviderClient can be also only called from the main thread.

Using the LiveData

As it has been shown in the previous section, the function channelLiveData() retuns an instance of Lazy, which can be used to lazily initiate the LiveData.

(In case you need eager initialization, you can use the value property).

This is the code that creates two instances of LiveData using the function described in the previous section:

val rotation by channelLiveData { rotationChannelFactory.getRotationChannel() }

val direction by channelLiveData {
    locationChannelFactory.getLocationChannel().map { location ->
        withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
            val distance = distance(location)
            val bearing = bearing(location)
            DirectionModel(distance.await(), bearing.await())

One of the lambdas shown above that are passed to channelLiveData() asynchronously map the values received from one channel in order to create another channel that is later wrapped in the created LiveData.

This is normal, and demonstates how in coroutines the CoroutineDispatcher can be switched at will. The channel is created on the main thread, so for example getLocationChannel() is invoked on the main thread, but the processor-intensive mapping operation is executed using Dispatchers.Default to take advantage of multi-core architecture.

Calculating distance() and bearing() was already discussed in the previous article. During the present refactoring the code of these two functions is moved to the ViewModel, what you can see in the commit.


The present article has demonstrated how a piece of information found in a YouTube video can be quickly used to create an interesting refactoring.

The article deliberately promotes the view that employees should be both allowed and expected to watch YouTube at work, at least in a company that wants to create opportunities for professional growth.

I hope that by performing and documenting this refoctoring I’ve clarified how to handle CoroutineScopes and switch between CoroutineDispatchers.

I have also tried to further promote separation of concerns, so that the instances of LiveData do not have to be aware of the viewModelScope, but instead use LiveDataScope from lifecycle-livedata-ktx.

The project is at the moment finished, so I do not expect further impromements in the code, and at the moment I do not see a need to introduce these changes into my main project - Victor Events.

I hope, however, that by writing the present article I’ve provided a demonstration on how to document an instance of refactoring, so that other developers may understand the author’s rationale for the changes, which can help them to decide whether they want to keep them, build on them or revoke them.