This article will explain how to initialize a ViewModel using the simplest syntax that has occurred to me so far.

It is the follow-up to another one in which I already wrote about lazy initialization of ViewModel.

This time I believe I found a simpler solution. I use it in my projects Victor-Events and Wiktor-Navigator.

When you apply this solution, you will only have to write the following code to initialize a ViewModel lazily:

private val eventsModel by viewModel<EventsViewModel>()

Use the following code to create an extention method for FragmentActivity:

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> FragmentActivity.viewModel() = lazy { getViewModel<R>() }

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> FragmentActivity.getViewModel() =

Use the this code to create an extension method for Fragment:

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> Fragment.viewModel() = lazy { getViewModel<R>() }

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> Fragment.getViewModel() = activity!!.getViewModel<R>()

Eager mode

You can still initiate a ViewModel eagerly when you write:

val eventsModel = getViewModel<EventsViewModel>()


This article demonstrates how to use the lazy() function to for lazy initialization of a ViewModel.

It also demonstrates how to create an extension function that can be used as an initializer passed as a lambda to lazy(), so you can instantiate a class both ways.