This article attempts to explain the differences between MVP, MVVM and MVC.


The V in MVP, MVVM and MVC doesn’t really have to stand for view. View is just a special case of something that is receiving information from the other parts of the architecture, for example the view model.

Thruout the present article, therefore, I will often use the term consumer, borrowed from the producer-consumer problem. (Buffering data will not be discussed in the article, though).

I am not going to change the original names MVP, MVVM and MVC, however, I may occasionally use the term consumer interchangeably with view to indicate that either of these may not only display data on the GUI, but also record them in a database, a log etc.


In MVP the presenter contains a reference to the view, and knows everything there is to know about it.

The view may be dependency-injected.

The presenter may ask the view what it wants: what kind of data, how often. For example, logging data in a text file may require a different data format from one used in the cloud.

In case of Kotlin, the view, which in the present article I also call consumer, may come in the form of a sealed class, so that behavior of the presenter may depend on the type of the view.

I think that suspend functions actually support MVP, as they automatically create a callback, which is known at the time the coroutine is started. The following example comes from my project Compass:

private suspend fun getLastLocation(): LatLng? = lastLocation ?:
        suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
            client.lastLocation.addOnSuccessListener {

The above code first checks whether lastLocation is already buffered, and if it is not, requests it asynchronously from FusedLocationProviderClient.

The getLastLocation() function does use a listener inside, but hides it from the calling code. It is called with the line:

lastLocation = getLastLocation()?.also { channel.sendBlocking(it) }

The above statement calls getLastLocation(), but as soon as the suspend function returns, control is passes to also() (if the result is not null), and eventually the data is assigned to lastLocation.

In the above code callbacks, such as also(), and eventual assigning of the produced value to lastLocation, are already known at the time of writing the code that calls getLastLocatiot(), so there isn’t much need to add an extra code that handles adding and removing listeners, or marking a producer as active or inactive.

In such cases when it is obvious what is going to happen to the data, and there is no need for creating a subscription, or making the data as active, I would be comfortable with using MVP: Decide beforehand what you want to do with the data. If you must - inject callbacks. Let the presenter know beforehand what the view (or consumer) is going to be like.

If I wanted to wrap the above function in an MVP context, I could just use the following code:

class LastLocationPresenter(lastLocationView: (LatLng?) -> Unit) {

    init {
        GlobalScope.launch {

    private suspend fun getLastLocation(): LatLng? = ...


The above code snippet involves a presenter, a view and dependency injection. The getLastLocation() function should probably obtain the location from a model.


MVVM is good for the time when the consumer (view) is not immediately known, or when the producer (here: view model) is not aware of the consumer (view) at all.

The view model of MVVM is only notified when it becomes active (there is at least one observer) or inactive (the last observer has disappeared, and an optional timeout has elapsed).

Observation of the data coming from the view model may be, for example, implemented with RxJava or with LiveData. The present article demonstrates the latter case.

When LiveData is extended, the developer may use the functions onActive() or onInactive() to be notified whether the data becomes active or otherwise. I documented such approach in an article in this blog:

override fun onActive() {
    locationChannel = locationChannelFactory.getLocationChannel()
    locationJob = scope.launch {
        while (true) {
            val location = locationChannel!!.receive()
            val distance = distance(location)
            val bearing = bearing(location)
            postValue(DirectionModel(distance.await(), bearing.await()))

override fun onInactive() {

In the above code a Channel is created only when there is at least one observer, or the LiveData becomes active, and both the Channel and the corresponding Job is canceled when the last observer disappears, or the LiveData becomes inactive.

Alternatively, the developer may choose to use the function liveData(), which I described in a separate article in this blog:

fun <T> channelLiveData(block: () -> ReceiveChannel<T>): Lazy<LiveData<T>> = lazy {
    liveData {
        val channel = block()
        try {
            while (true) {
        finally {

Here, in the above code, the Channel is only created when thus created LiveData becomes active. When it is inactive, and the default timeout elapses, the code throws CancellationException and closes the channel in the finally block.

Testing MVVM

Another article in this blog explains how to test MVVM:

fun distanceTest() = runBlocking {

    var distance = 0.0
    var lastDistance = distance

    suspend fun progress() {
        assertTrue(distance > lastDistance)
        lastDistance = distance


    val liveDataJob = Job()

    val vm = CompassViewModel(
            coroutineContext + liveDataJob)
    vm.setDestination(DestinationModel(HOME, ""))

    val destination = vm.direction

    val distanceObserver = Observer<DirectionModel> {
        distance = it.distance

The above code does the following:

  1. Create an instance of CompassViewModel. Inject three dependencies into it.
  2. Call observeForever() to create an Observer that will observe distances emitted by the CompassViewModel.
  3. Wait a short time and assert that the distance has changed. Repeat.
  4. Cancel the Job used internally by CompassViewModel.
  5. Assert that the Channel is closed.

Inactive LiveData

If the developer wants to test CompassViewModel with lifecycle, using the function observe() instead of observeForever(), they need to be aware that the liveData() function used instead only throws CancellationException after a timeout. The timeout is by default equal to 5 seconds.

The same is true when the developer wants to remove the observer by calling removeObserver() or removeObservers(). Implementing CompassViewModel with liveData() has been explained in a separate article in this blog.

To avoid having to deal with this timeout, the developer may manually set it to 0 seconds, or decline using liveData() altogether in the implementation of CompassViewModel. They may do so by extending LiveData manually.

When LiveData is extended manually by overriding the functions onActive() and onInactive(), the way I explained in another article in this blog, the Channel is closed immediately, so the developer may write tests without taking timeout into consideration. Doing so is outside of the scope of the present article, though.


I don’t think I have ever consciously used MVC in Android. The Wikipedia image below shows that in MVC the view doesnt’t have a relationship with the controller. All that the view does, according to my understanding of the diagram, is it displays data that has been made available to it:


I don’t think MVC has been fully implemented in Android. In Android views may update their own state, and other parts of the architecture may listen to those changes.

I hadn’t really seen any problem with that approach until I saw a talk from Google I/O 2019 about Jetpack Compose. The timestamp 23:40 talks specifically about data flow in Jetpack Compose:

The application passes data, in this case a list of stories, into the newsfeed. The newsfeed is then going to iterate over this list of stories, extracting each of the pieces of story data from the list, and passing each story data to each story widget.

The story widget, then, reads the title, the image and the content from the story data.

The important thing here is that the parent is always in control of the data for this child. If the data needs to be shared between multiple widgets, the data should be hoisted up to a common ancestor, and passed down to each of the widgets that needs it. Children should not be reading from global variables or global data stores. They should be side-effect free, and should not do anything, except what their parent tells them to do.

According to the above quote, views in Jetpakc Compose can’t modify their own state, or write data directly to a global state. Instead, there is a controller (in the talk called parent) that takes events from the user, processes them, and only then decides whether to update values stored in a global data store (the model) and displayed in the view.

The reader is welcome to scroll the talk to 7:35 when the speaker discusses event handling in Jetpack Compose.

While the talk does not say that Jetpack Compose is MVC, I think that it is pretty close to it, as it introduces an extra layer (controller) that intercepts event coming from the user even before the updated values are displayed on the screen.


I hope to have correctly explained MVP, MVVM and MVC. If the reader finds any errors, please contact me by submitting a ticket, and I will be glad to edit the article and give them due credit.