This is an article about the MVVM design pattern. It previous articles I erroneously called it the MVP pattern beacause I misunderstood the role of presenter in the latter.

In the present article I decided to gather the data that I lately scattered among some other articles, most notably I am going to talk abot the ViewModel class in Android.

The project

The example used in this article is MVVM.

The problem

  1. Creation of a model that responds to events on the device (activity recognition).
  2. Creation of a viewmodel that presents the most probable activity and its confidence.
  3. Creation of a mock model that generates test events and is retrieved with inversion of control for the sake of Espresso tests.

The structure of the project

I divided the relevant parts (model, view, viewmodel) into corresponding packages, respectively, and

In a project for production, where I would probably have plenty of different ViewModel classes, I would probably divide them by domain (another package for settings, anothrer for entering and editing data, another for logging in etc.). I wouldn’t use package names like ‘model’ or ‘view’ at all, although I would use suffix -ViewModel in the name of every class that extends the abstract ViewModel.

The data (the model)

The class containing the result (description of the most probable activity and its confidence) of the activity recognition is the following:

data class ActivityDesc(val desc: String, val conf: Int)

Activity recognition interface (the model)

This is the interface that contains the Observable for the activity recognition:

val ar by instance<ActivityRecognitionObservable>()

interface ActivityRecognitionObservable {
    val observable: Observable<ActivityDesc>

Notice that there is no LiveData above. (It will be only created when I instantiate the ViewModel).

The val ar before the definition of the interface is a global constant that contains the reference to its implementation. It is initiated lazily. The binding that defines how it is done is discussed in the following section.

Inversion of control

In this article an instance of the Observable is retrieved lazily with the help of Kodein. This is the binding:

bind<ActivityRecognitionObservable>() with  singleton { SensorActivityRecognitionObservable(ctx) }

In the above line of code ctx stands for application context.

Another binding for the ActivityRecognitionObservable is used for Espresso testing. It will be described later, in a section dedicated to tests.

The following section will describe the implementation of ActivityRecognitionObservable using device’s sensors.

Sensor implementation

This is the whole code of the class that recognizes the most probable activity:

class SensorActivityRecognitionObservable(private val ctx: Context) : ActivityRecognitionObservable {
    private val subject = PublishSubject.create<ActivityDesc>()

    override val observable: Observable<ActivityDesc> = subject

    init {
        var activityRecognitionReceiver : BroadcastReceiver? = null

        fun registerReceiver() {
            activityRecognitionReceiver = activityRecognitionReceiver?: Receiver()
            ctx.registerReceiver(activityRecognitionReceiver, IntentFilter(ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_INTENT))

        fun unregisterReceiver() {
            activityRecognitionReceiver?: return

        val googleApiClient = GoogleApiClient.Builder(ctx)
                .addConnectionCallbacks(object : GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks{
                    override fun onConnected(p0: Bundle?) {
                        val intent = Intent(ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_INTENT)
                        val pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(

                    override fun onConnectionSuspended(p0: Int) = unregisterReceiver()

    private inner class Receiver : BroadcastReceiver() {

        override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
            if (ActivityRecognitionResult.hasResult(intent)) {
                val result = ActivityRecognitionResult.extractResult(intent)!!
                val activity = result.mostProbableActivity!!
                val desc = context.getString(when (activity.type) {
                    DetectedActivity.IN_VEHICLE -> R.string.activity_desc_in_vehicle
                    DetectedActivity.ON_BICYCLE -> R.string.activity_desc_on_bicycle
                    DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT -> R.string.activity_desc_on_foot
                    DetectedActivity.TILTING -> R.string.activity_desc_tilting
                    DetectedActivity.WALKING -> R.string.activity_desc_walking
                    DetectedActivity.RUNNING -> R.string.activity_desc_running
                    else -> R.string.activity_desc_unknown
                val confidence = activity.confidence
                val activityDesc = ActivityDesc(desc, confidence)

    companion object {
        private const val ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_INTENT = "activity_recognition_intent"
        private const val ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_INTERVAL_MS = 1000L

First lets focus on the actual BroadcastReceiver.

The class that extends the BroadcastReceiver sets a description (the name) and the confidence of the most probable activity.

At first I was tempted to use an array of Strings retrieved from the resources, instead of a when statement, but then I discovered that according to DetectedActivity doco there is no activity for the value of 6, so I had to stick to retrviewing every String individually.

Setting up a GoogleApiClient is beyond the scope of this article, so just focus on these two lines at the beginning of the class implementation:

private val subject = PublishSubject.create<ActivityDesc>()

override val observable: Observable<ActivityDesc> = subject

The above lines create a private Subject and share it out as a a public Observable.

The ViewModel

This is the abstract ViewModel that is used in the project:

abstract class RxViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val cd = CompositeDisposable()

    protected fun <T> disposableLiveData(observable: () -> Observable<T>): Lazy<LiveData<T>> = lazy {
        MutableLiveData<T>().apply {
            cd.add(observable().subscribe { this.postValue(it) })

    override fun onCleared() {

The above code creates a private instance of CompositableDisposable and defines how each instance of LiveData is created. The instances of LiveData are initiated lazily, and whenever one is created, immediately a Consumer is created setting the value on the main thread, and the result is added to the CompositeDisable, and the CompositeDisposable is disposed when the ViewModel is discarded at the end of its lifecycle.

Because both the ActivityRecognitionObservable is created lazily in this project, as well as the LiveData that is using it, the actual registration of the BroadcastReceiver is called only when the LiveData is used for the first time when it is observed.

Please remember to define the return type of disposableLiveData() as Lazy<LiveData<T>>. By doing this you hide the real type of the MutableLiveData() created here, and therefore it will be seen as immutable by the code that is using it.

When the CompositeDisposable is disposed at the end of ViewModel’s lifecycle, it gives a chance to every Observable to perform its cleaning up, but I didn’t choose to unregister the BroadcastReceiver here, because I do not know when it is going to be used the next time. (For instance the device could show another Fragment using it, which would create a need to register the BroadcastReceiver again. I am not unregistering the BroadcastReceiver at all, although I can always add some code to the ActivityRecognitionObservable that either unregisters the BroadcastReceiver automatically, when the Observable is no longer observed, or is to be called manually.

This is the actual implementation that observes the ActivityRecognitionObservable:

class ActivityDescViewModel : RxViewModel() {
    val activityDesc by disposableLiveData { ar.observable }

The view

These are the relevant lines of the actual Fragment that is using the above ViewModel:

override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val vm = getViewModel<ActivityDescViewModel>()
    vm.activityDesc(this) {
        activity_desc.text = it.desc
        activity_conf.text = it.conf.toString()

There is no need to initiate the ViewModel lazily in this particular case. The LiveData is initiated lazily anyway, so it makes no difference whether you initiate the ViewModel lazily or eagerly here. However, in some of my projects I initialize the ViewModel lazily, because I want to use it outside of the scope of onActivityCreated(). If you want to learn how to do it lazily, you can read a separate article in this blog.

Just this call getViewModel<ActivityDescViewModel>() creates eagerly the instance of ViewModel, but doesn’t initiate the LiveData yet.

This how initialization of the ViewModel works under the hood:

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> Fragment.getViewModel() = activity!!.getViewModel<R>()

inline fun <reified R : ViewModel> FragmentActivity.getViewModel() =

A subsequent invocation vm.activityDesc initiates the SensorActivityRecognitionObservable, registers the BroadcastReceiver, subscribes to the Observable and starts posting values to the LiveData being referenced here.

Because you will probably not want to refer to an instance of the LiveData thus created inside the Fragment in any other way that to actually observing it, I shortened the syntax by creating an extension operator:

operator fun <T> LiveData<T>.invoke(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: (T) -> Unit) =
        observe(owner) { observer(it) }

fun <T> LiveData<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: (T) -> Unit) =
        observe(owner, Observer<T> { observer(it) })

You can just invoke the LiveData with a LifecycleOwner and an Observer and it will observe the LiveData for you. To remind you the syntax that calls the above operator function:

vm.activityDesc(this) {
    activity_desc.text = it.desc
    activity_conf.text = it.conf.toString()

Alternatively, you may write:

vm.activityDesc.observe(this) {
    activity_desc.text = it.desc
    activity_conf.text = it.conf.toString()


When you run the application, after about one second you should start seeing the description of the activity recognized by your device’s sensors. You can test it manually by shaking the device for a couple of seconds, or you can test it automatically using the way described in the following section.


To mock the ActivityRecognitionObservable you have to create another binding. This is the module that is creating it:

class MockModuleBuilder {
    fun build() = Kodein.Module("test") {
        bind<ActivityRecognitionObservable>(overrides = true) with singleton { MockActivityRecognitionObservable() }

This is the implementation:

class MockActivityRecognitionObservable : ActivityRecognitionObservable {

    override val observable: Observable<ActivityDesc> =
            Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                    .map { if (it % 2L == 0L) ACT1 else ACT2 }

    companion object {
        const val DESC1 = "on foot"
        const val CONF1 = 50
        const val DESC2 = "in vehicle"
        const val CONF2 = 100

        private val ACT1 = ActivityDesc(DESC1, CONF1)
        private val ACT2 = ActivityDesc(DESC2, CONF2)

This is the code that imports the Kodein module:

class MockApplication : MvvmApplication() {

    init {, allowOverride = true)

And the AndroidJUnitRunner that starts the above MockApplication:

class MockTestRunner : AndroidJUnitRunner() {

    override fun newApplication(
        cl: ClassLoader, className: String, context: Context): Application =
        super.newApplication(cl,, context)

To use this particular AndroidJUnitRunner you have to register it in your module’s level build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
    applicationId ''
    minSdkVersion 24
    targetSdkVersion 28
    versionCode 1
    versionName '1.0'
    testInstrumentationRunner ''

This is the actual test:

class ActivityRecognitionTest {

    @Suppress("unused", "BooleanLiteralArgument")
    val activityRule = ActivityTestRule(, true, true)

    private fun delay(millis: Long) = onView(isRoot()).perform(DelayAction.delay(millis))

    fun testActivityRecognition() {

    companion object {
        private const val INITIAL_DELAY = 1500L
        private const val INTERVAL = 1000L

Delaying an Espresso test

The test described in the above section uses a couple of delays to wait for the simulation to generate another event. This is the ViewAction that performs this delay:

class DelayAction private constructor(private val millis: Long) : ViewAction {

    override fun getConstraints(): Matcher<View> = isRoot()

    override fun getDescription(): String = "wait $millis milliseconds"

    override fun perform(uiController: UiController, view: View) {

    companion object {

        fun delay(millis: Long): ViewAction = DelayAction(millis)


In the above example you had a chance to learn how to use Kodein to create an Observable that reacts to events coming from your sensor. You also could learn how to create a mock implementation.

I used the singleton pattern in conjunction with Kodein to create an Observable that is triggered by an unlimited sequence of events. Although I did not implement it above, I could create a function that stops the Observable, invoked either manually or automatically when the last observer unregisters.

I explained how to crate a Kodein module, visible only during tests, that creates bindings for the mock instances.

I decided to use RxJava in the project. I didn’t want to create coroutine channels before their implementation becomes stable in Kotlin 1.4.

I used lazy initialization wherever appropriate, in order to only register the BroadcastReceiver when it is required to observe an instance of LiveData.

I hope that by writing the present article I’ve exhausted the topic of MVVM, which actually took me a couple of monts to understand and integrate with my present knowledge of Android Jetpack. By writing this and a couple of previous articles I hope to have demonstrated one man’s journey to refining a sensible architecture.


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